Welcome. Here are links to modes of my given conceptual home:
front porch | back porch | living room | dining room | study
Updates show at my “new in sites” point of gedavis.com (a “next check-in” date is always indicated) and always noted, too, at X/twitter: @GEDavisBerkeley.
The study is evolving. All else is archival (more or less—additions happen, noted at “new in site”). That’s why it’s “given,” there being also given time.
I'm ambivalent about keeping in touch through substack or through my Medium account (https://medium.com/@cohering). Lots of folks don't have X/twitter accounts.
I'll eventually upload things to my academia account (https://berkeley.academia.edu/GaryEDavis), but everything is easily available online already. I'm against paywalls and subscriber-only access. I trust "you" to cite fairly (https://gedavis.com/be_fair.html). My pages have permanent URLs, but posthumously, either everything will be uploaded as PDF to academia.edu or my sites will be supported by a trust.
LinkedIn isn't really used to noting work, though I could (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-e-davis-1583676b/).
I don't use my Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/cohering) for noting what I write. That's been mostly for sharing good material from PBS News Hour which relates to mental health and being well.
Facebook has been useful for sharing resources on Heidegger (https://www.facebook.com/Heidegger) and Habermas (https://www.facebook.com/Habermas), though that's largely archival, since each has been developed further through my own Web pages (https://gedavis.com/ci/cimain.html).
In the end, I will use all of the above points of distributed mind to direct readers to the one spot where everything remains beyond the Internet Archive (https://archive.org).