Welcome. Here are links to modes of my given conceptual home:
front porch | back porch | living room | dining room | study
Updates for gedavis.com show at my “new in sites” point (a “next check-in” date is always indicated) and is always noted, too, at X/twitter: @GEDavisBerkeley, now also at Bluesky (but maybe no longer at X soon).
The “study” (anchored by a different Web site, cohering.net) is evolving. All else is archival (more or less—additions happen, noted at “new in site” for g.com; “life world” for c.net). That’s why it’s “given”: there being so much given time over the years (3,000+ pages).
I'm ambivalent about keeping in touch through substack or through my Medium account (https://medium.com/@cohering). Lots of folks don't have X/twitter accounts.
I'll eventually upload things to my academia account (https://berkeley.academia.edu/GaryEDavis), but everything is easily available online already. I'm against paywalls and subscriber-only access. I trust "you" to cite fairly (https://gedavis.com/be_fair.html). My pages have permanent URLs, but posthumously, either everything will be uploaded as PDF to academia.edu or my sites will be supported by a trust.
LinkedIn isn't really used to noting work, though I could (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-e-davis-1583676b/).
I don't use my Facebook account (https://www.facebook.com/cohering) for noting what I write. That's been mostly for sharing good material from PBS News Hour which relates to mental health and being well.
Facebook has been useful for sharing resources on Heidegger (https://www.facebook.com/Heidegger) and Habermas (https://www.facebook.com/Habermas), though that's largely archival, since each has been developed further through my own Web pages (https://gedavis.com/ci/cimain.html).
In the end, I will use all of the above points of distributed mind to direct readers to the one spot where everything remains beyond the Internet Archive (https://archive.org).